So yeah, I was locked in this cool hotel in Brisbane with the ugliest blisters, fever and sever itching hardly doing much other than sleep, watch movies, send emails and facebook updates, eat and read in bed.
Next: more about the ship.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Diganosis: chickenpox
Posted by
Silveroo The Sailor
5:32 PM
Working it Backwards
0 commentsSome of you already know how things went terribly wrong with my so-called “the adventure of my life”.
Aside from the several occasions on which I cut myself and got sick during the trip, it was all topped off with me getting chickenpox starting from our second day in Brisbane (one of the ports of call). At that point, with no second thoughts, I decided to give it a rest and get off the ship. I was seriously sick and being held hostage in some isolation cabin on the ship was the last thing I could handle.
However, I still want to blog about it and share some of the photos. So, I'll do that.
Not that the situation in Bahrain encourages me to do anything, but I'll try. I need to put all the sources of negativity into perspective before I start the ultimate clean-up.
خليط من تعب جسدي وعاطفي يحيط بي ويعصرني.
لم يكن هذا المبتغى. كان من المفترض أن أعود مشحونة بالطاقة، بنفس جديد، برغبة في بداية جديدة وحياة مختلفة.
كان من المفترض أن أشعر كأسماك النهر، كأزهار الربيع، كمن عاد للتو من غيبوبة.
كان من المفترض أن أشعر أكثر شباباً.
كان من المفترض أن أعود مجردة من كل الرواسب التي تراكمت خلال ال ٥ سنين الفائتة وأثقلت عاطفتي.
لم يحدث شيء من مما افترضت.
لم يحدث شيء!
Posted by
Silveroo The Sailor
5:24 PM